Papers relating to the Board for Anthropological Research expeditions, 1923-1939.

Archive Collections / Board for Anthropological Research / Papers relating to the Board for Anthropological Research expeditions, 1923-1939.
Date Range1923  -  1939
CollectionBoard for Anthropological Research
Quantity 30cm,   5   A3 Albox folders
Series IdentifierAA346/03

This series comprises papers relating to a number of Board for Anthropological Research (BAR) expeditions within Australia between 1923 and 1939. The papers have been grouped chronologically by expedition, but the content and quantity of papers varies, and papers do not exist for all BAR expeditions undertaken during this period. Papers in this series include reports, notes, lists, correspondence, notebooks, photographic prints prepared for publications, and records of physical anthropology data in the form of notes, tables, sketches, draft cards and finger, hand and foot prints. There are also some papers relating to method for physical measurement and observation (anthropometry).

A major purpose of BAR expeditions in this period was the collection of physical anthropology (anthropometric) data; and many of the items in this series are documentation of that research. The practice developed by BAR members of allocating numbers to individuals examined during each expedition (here referred to as 'individual subject numbers') is reflected in these papers. Individuals can be identified by name by reference to data cards in series AA 346/4.

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