Australian Aboriginal man with goanna. Annotated "An 15. After digging for anyting up to 5 minutes he is rewarded for his efforts. (He never makes a mistake to dig out an empty hole would make him an object of redicule in the tribe)" See also slide marked "39. Abo (Australian Aboriginal man) with goanna dug from its hole"
canoe tree. Annotated "An 16."
Australian Aboriginal man making fire. Annotated "An 17."
Australian Aboriginal man dipping water from a soak. Annotated "An 18."
Australian Aboriginal man dipping water from a soak. Annotated "An 19. Wild Aboriginal dipping water with my pannikin from a 'soak'. They have an instinct for water and will dig in dry sand with apparently no indication and find water within 12 inches of the surface"
two Australian Aborigjnal men chained. Annotated "An 20." This item is restricted.