Location: Darling River from Wilcannia downstream nearly to Avoca and extending 20 to 30 miles (30 to 50 km.) on each side of the river. Teulon's account shows them at Bourke, but his remarks probably apply specifically to the Naualko; the apparent error was noted by Curr (1886). Cameron (1885) gives seven hordes: Kairongo, Lamon, Waimbo, Mothingo, Karndilke, Pulali (apparently not to be confused with the Pularli of the Barindji tribe), and Murkurilla. These were the people whom Mitchell called 'Occa' at Wilcannia. His name is based on a mishearing of the name of their section of the Darling River namely ['Ba:ka].
Co-ordinates: 142°25'E x 32°40'S
Area: 7,500 sq. m. (19,500 sq. km.)
References: Mitchell, 1838; Bonney, 1884; Cameron, 1885, 1902; Teulon et al. in Curr, 1886; Newland, 1889, 1895, 1926; Fraser in Threlkeld, 1892; Mathews, 1895 (Gr. 6475), 1898 (Gr. 6464, 6569, 6468), 1900 (Gr. 6524), 1902 (Gr. 6487), 1905 (Gr. 6543); Krause, 1902; Richards, 1903; Howitt, 1904; Richardson, 1910; Giglioli, 1911; Brown, 1918; Tindale, 1940, 1946, and MS; Berndt, 1947; Australian Encyclopedia, 1958; Wurm, 1963; Capell, 1963.
Alternative Names: Barkinji, Barkinjee, Barkunjee, Bahkunji, Pakindji, Pa:kindzi, Bakandji, Bahkunjy, Barkinghi, Parkungi, Parkengee, Parkingee, Bakanji, Bakandi, Bargunji, Bagundji, Bagandji, Bpaa'gkon-jee, Kurnu, Kkengee, Parkingee, Bakanji, Bakandi, Bargunji, Bagundji, Bagandji, Bpaa'gkon-jee, Kurnu, Kurnu, Kornoo (name applied to language of several Darling River tribes; see also Kula), Kaiela (name given by Kureinji-means "northerners"), Wimbaja (means "man" in several river languages), Bandjangali(!).