Location: At Maningrida; along the valley of Liverpool River to limit of tidal waters; east to entry of Tomkinson River into mangrove swamps. They do not practice circumcision, being the easternmost Northern Territory group of those not practicing the rite.
Co-ordinates: 134°10'E x 12°10'S
Area: 500 sq. m. (1,300 sq. km.)
References: Radcliffe-Brown, 1930; Capell, 1940, 1942; Berndt and Berndt, 1951, 1964; Hiatt, 1958 MS, 1961 MS; C. Berndt, 1965; Hamilton, 1970 pers. comm.; Jennison MS. (Other references may be found under Gunwinggu.)
Alternative Names: Gunaviji, Gunawitji, Gunabidji, Gunabwidji, Gunjibidji, Witji.