Location: Groote Eylandt, Bickerton, and Woodah Islands; divided into six named hordes (Tindale), five (Worsley, 1954), or twelve (Worsley, 1955). Worsley following Capell (1942) applied a hordal name to the whole tribe; this strictly is incorrect although one southeastern horde today dominates over others and claims its name has precedence. An older generation of men in 1922 regarded themselves as Ingura. Both Thomson and Warner noted it and I was able to check it indirectly during an encounter with a Rose River man in 1938. Joan Greenway found that the eastern men were now claiming the hordal term but men of western hordes, some of whose elders had migrated from the Bickerton Islands in protohistoric times still considered Ingura the proper term. She rejects Worsley's spelling of the former hordal term in favor of 'Wanindilyaugwa.' Plate 3 is relevant for this tribe, also plate 45.
Co-ordinates: 136°35'E x 13°55'S
Area: 1,000 sq. m. (2,600 sq. km.)
References: Heeres, 1899; Tindale, 1921-1922 MS, 1925, 1938 MS, 1940; Bleakley, 1928; Wilkins, 1927; Warner, 1937; Capell, 1942, 1956, 1960; Thomson, 1946; McCarthy, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1959; Worsley, 1954, 1955; Mountford, 1956; Gray, 1958; Rose, 1960; Needham, 1961; Lockwood, 1962; DeJong, 1962; Greenway, 1969 pers. comm., 1970 MS.
Alternative Names: Wanindilyaugwa, Andiljaugwa (a horde name), Andiljaukwa, Andilyaugwa, Wani-Ndiljaugwa (horde or clan name), En Indiljaugwa (language name based on horde name), Andilagwa, Lamadalpu (of natives of Trial Bay), Awarikpa (a horde name), Amakurupa (horde name based on a place name).