Location: Upper Loddon and Avoca rivers; east to about Castlemaine, west to St. Arnaud and near Lake Buloke; north to about Boort; south to Daylesford and Dividing Range and the eastern headwaters of the Wimmera River. At Emu, Natte Yallock, and Stuart Mill. Not to be confused with the Jardwa. Fourteen hordes were reported by Parker (1843, 1844). There were slight differences in dialect between them and some southwestern people were said to speak Tjedjuwur:u where ['tjedju] = no and ['wur:u] == speech.
Co-ordinates: 143°40'E x 36°40'S
Area: 6,000 sq. m. (15,600 sq. km.)
References: Parker, 1843, 1854; Parker in Smyth, 1878; Eyre, 1844; Robinson, 1844, 1846 MS; Stanbridge, 1858, 1861; Ridley, 1875; Chauncy in Smyth, 1878; Smyth, 1878; Stanbridge in Smyth, 1878; Thomas in Smyth, 1878; Curr, 1887; Wilson in Curr, 1887; Baeyertz, 1898; Howitt, 1904; Mathews, 1904 (Gr. 6560), 1905 (Gr. 6553); Giglioli, 1911; Mathew, 1911; Stone, 1911; Tindale, 1940, and MS; Raffaelo, 1947 (quoting 1853-1854 report); Capell, 1956; Massola, 1969.
Alternative Names: Lewurru (language name ['Ie:] = no, ['wur:u] = lip or speech), Yaura, Yarrayowurro, Yayaurung, Jajaorong (['jajae] = ['jeje] = yes), Jajaurung, Jajowurrong, Jajowurong, Jajowrong, Jarjoworong, Jajowerang, Jajowrung, Jajow(e)rong, Jajoworrong, Tjedjuwuru, Tyeddyuwurru, Jarrung Jarrung, Ja-jow-er-ong, Djadjawuru, Djadjawurung, Djendjuwuru, Tarrang, Tarra, Jurobaluk, Yabola, Monulgundeech (lit. 'men of the dust'), Monulgundeedh, Pilawin (horde in Pyrennes), Yang (place name = Avoca), Lunyingbirrwurrkgooditch.