Location: From Glen Innes northeastward across New England to Drake, Tenterfield, and near Wallangarra. Western hordes, including those of the upper Severn River, Beardy River, Stonehenge, and Bolivia, are best considered a separate tribe called Ngarabal (which see). The true Jukambal live east of a line joining Glen Innes and Tenterfield. Ridley found people speaking the language of this tribe on the Macintyre River in 1855, perhaps members of the Kwiambal tribe. Most of the -bal tribes share very similar languages.
Co-ordinates: 152°10'E x 29°15'S
Area: 1,300 sq. m. (3,400 sq. km.)
References: Anonymous (Tenterfield) and Lowe in Curr, 1887; Meston, 1892 MS; Mathews, 1898 (Gr. 6468), 1902 (Gr. 6563); Wyndham, 1889; Small, 1898; MacPherson, 1902, 1904, 1939; Brown, 1918; Radcliffe-Brown, 1929, 1930; Tindale, 1940; Walker, 1964 MS.
Alternative Names: Jukambil, (['juka] = no), Yukambal, Yukumbul, Yukumbil, Yacambal, Yookumbul, Yookumbil, Yookumbill, Yoocumbill, Ukumbil, Yookumble, Yoocomble, Ucumble, Yurimbil (misprint), Yukumba.