Location: Barkly (Barclay) River south of Burketown; east to Leichhardt River on grassed plains; south to Augustus Downs and to Gregory Downs; to coast only at mouth of Albert River. Once a circumcising tribe, according to their tradition, they abandoned the initiation rites at least a century ago. On the map they are placed within the area where both rites were practiced on the authority of informants at Normanton who gave the Leichhardt River as the boundary.
Co-ordinates: 139°35'E x 18°10'S
Area: 2,500 sq. m. (6,700 sq. km.)
References: Palmer, 1884; E. Curr in Curr, 1886; Turnbull, 1896, 1903, 1911; Schmidt, 1919; Sharp, 1939; Tindale, 1940, 1960 MS, 1963 MS.
Alternative Names: Minkin, Myngeen, Minikin, Mingir (misprint).