Location: Field Island in Van Diemen Gulf and coastal belt of scrub and swamp country from South Alligator River to Farewell Point, within a few miles of mouth of East Alligator River. Apparently they spoke a dialect close to Kakadu. Bark paintings in their raintime huts at Field Island were collected by early explorers and are in the South Australian Museum collection.
Co-ordinates: 132°30'E x 12°10'S
Area: 200 sq. m. (500 sq. km.)
References: Earl, 1846; Spencer, 1926; Tindale, 1940; Elkin, Berndt and Berndt, 1951; Berndt and Berndt, 1951; Mackay, 1959 MS.
Alternative Names: Ngardulk, Ngadok, Ngadug, Ngadulg, Ad-dok (tone deaf to initial ng), Gnaruk, A'ragu, ? Bimbirik.