Location: South side of Barkly tableland; west to Eva Downs; at Anthony Lagoon; to Mount Morgan in east; Alroy Downs in south; at Corella Lake, Brunette Downs, and Alexandria; along Brunette and Creswell Creeks.
Co-ordinates: 135°35'E x 18°35'S
Area: 8,100 sq. m. (21,100 sq. km.)
References: Lindsay, 1890; Mathews, 1898 (Gr. 6417), 1899 (Gr. 6445), 1900 (Gr. 6491, 6524, 6575), 1905 (Gr. 6454, 6543), 1907 (Gr. 6513, 6580), 1908 (Gr. 6496, 6578); Spencer and Gillen, 1904, 1912; Power in Basedow, 1907; Spencer, 1914; Radcliffe-Brown, 1930; Lockwood, 1962; Capell, 1965; Yallop, 1969.
Alternative Names: Wombaia, Wambaja, Wampaja (of Iliaura), Wonbaia, Wom-by-a, Wombya, Yumpia, Umbaia, Umbia.