Ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna Miyurna yartangka. Munaintya puru purruna ngadlu-itya. Munaintyanangku yalaka tarrkarriana tuntarri.

We acknowledge we are on Kaurna Miyurna land. The Dreaming is still living. From the past, in the present, into the future, forever.

Cultural Sensitivity Warning
It is a condition of use of the cultural components of the Museum Archives that users ensure that any disclosure of information contained in this collection is consistent with the views and sensitivities of Indigenous people. Users are warned that there may be words and descriptions that may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. Users should also be aware that some records document research into people and cultures using a scientific research model dating from the first half of the twentieth century, and depicts people as research subjects in ways which may today be considered offensive. Some records contain terms and annotations that reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written, and may be considered inappropriate today in some circumstances. Users should be aware that in some Indigenous communities, hearing names of deceased persons might cause sadness or distress, particularly to the relatives of these people. Furthermore, certain totemic symbols may also have prohibitions relating to the age, initiation and ceremonial status or clan of the person who may see them. Records included may be subject to access conditions imposed by Indigenous communities and/or depositors. Users are advised that access to some materials may be subject to these terms and conditions that the Museum is required to maintain.

Wudjari (WA)

LocationFrom near Gairdner River east to Point Malcolm; inland to edge of coastal slope, approximately 30 miles (50 km.); at Kent, Ravensthorpe, Fanny Cove, Esperance, and Cape Arid; western members were moving toward Bremer Bay in earliest historical time; those members of the tribe living east of Fanny Cove and Young River had, within earliest historical time, begun to adopt circumcision and therefore they were called Bardonjunga or Bardok by the rest of the tribesfolk; they were becoming a separate tribe; these eastern hordes preferred the term Njunga; they disputed with the Njadjunmaia over possession of the area between Mount Ragged and Israelite Bay. (See special comments in text of chap. 5 and under Njunga.)
Co-ordinates119°45'E x 33°40'S
Area6,900 sq. m. (17,900 sq. km.)
ReferencesMoore, 1884; Chester in Curr, 1886; Taylor in Curr, 1886; Helms, 1896; Gamier in Hugenin, 1902; Mathews, 1910 (Gr. 6525); Giglioli, 1911; Hassell, 1935, 1936; Tindale, 1940, 1966 MS, 1968 MS; Brockman, 1949 MS; Douglas, 1966 MS, 1968.
Alternative NamesWudjarima (extended form of name), Wudjari:ma, Wuda, Wudja, Widjara, Warangu (valid alternative), Kwaitjman (of northern tribes), Ngokwurring, Ngokgurring, Nunga, Njungar, Nyungar, Nonga, Yunga (['nunga = 'nonga = 'njonga = 'njunga = 'njungar] = man), Bremer Bay tribe (area originally not theirs), Yungar, Njungura (name applied by a Miming man of Ooldea who went to Esperance by train and found friendly southern people there), Karkar (Karkar = east, name applied by Wiilman), Caskcar [sic] (presumably misreading of handwritten word of the form Carkcar, i.e., Karkar) ? Daran (name at Perth applied to eastern tribes-people who saw the sun rising from the sea [Moore 1884]).