References the Green Frog (Ranoidea caerulea) being present in practically all households. Relates a story about a joke played on a post office man when he was on leave on Thursday Island (Qld) receiving a 'wire purported to come from Sandy' the Australian Aboriginal boy who looked after the house in Darwin. Further comments on the 'American hooligan' films reviewed and released for viewing to the Australian Aboriginal community in Darwin. For example 'The Big House' (1930).
1. Photograph: 'The Green Frog'
2. Photograph: As above
Places mentioned: Darwin (NT); Thursday Island (Qld)
People mentioned: Sandy (Australian Aboriginal boy); DD [Smith]
Fauna mentioned: Green Frog (Ranoidea caerulea)
Movies mentioned: The Big House (1930).
Photo number/s as per Journal and Index of Photographs: 181, 182