Continuation from page 123 (AA122/3/2/34) and the culmination of the escape of Fenton from the wreck of the plane. Relates the journey of Fenton & Woolnough to reach Victoria River Downs then managed by Mr [Alf] & Mrs Martin. The author then returns with [Clyde] Fenton, [Alf] Martin and Settartry (stockman) to the wreckage of the plane to collect [Walter George] Woolnough's bags in which was his eserine for glaucoma (drug also known as Physostigmine)
1. Photograph: 'The relief of Dr Woolnough, near VRD'
Places mentioned: Pomey's Knob (NT)
People mentioned: Dr Clyde Fenton (1901-1982); Dr Walter George Woolnough (1876-1958); Mr [Alf] Martin; Mrs Martin; Settartry (stockman)
Disease / medicine mentioned: glaucoma; eserine (drug also known as Physostigmine)
Photo number/s as per Journal and Index of Photographs: 203