Overnight at Timber Creek. Constable Pfitzner [Tasman Charles Vivian Fitzer) (1896-1966) returned from Bradshaw’s Landing (NT) with his wife.
1. Photograph 232: ‘Looking up the bole of one of these trees. The seed pods can be seen.’
2. Photograph 233: ‘Group at Timber Creek. From the left are Mr Shepherd, Constable Pfitzner and son, Constable Birt (two men are stationed here), Mrs Pfitzner, DD Smith and Mr Brackenrig. The box behind DD is his portable wireless. He found that most of the Australian stations were ‘jambed’ by Japanese broadcasts.’
Places mentioned: Bradshaws’s Landing (NT); Timber Creek (NT)
People mentioned: Mr Shepherd [Frank Pettinger] (Chief Surveyor) (1901-1939); Constable Pfitzner [Tasman Charles Vivian Fitzer) (1896-1966; Constable [Gordon Robert) Birt (1904-?), Mrs Pfitzner [Laurie Jean nee Osborne] (1911-1997 TBC), DD Smith (1897-1984); Mr Brackenrig (Pastoral Inspector)
Idiom mentioned: jambed
Nationality mentioned: Japanese