Continuation from page 155 (AA122/3/2/68). Describes the character, background and nature of Alec Moray. Meets Johnnie Newmarch, Manager of Wave Hill station. Names the dogs owned Alec Moray, Tiger (red fox terrier), Johnnie Newmarch, Billy (black foxy) and Lefty left by a previous manager.
Places mentioned: Wave Hill (NT); Brisbane (Qld); Cloncurry (Qld); Sydney (NSW); Darwin (NT); Duntroon Military College (ACT)
People mentioned: Mullins (mechanic); Sambo (Australian Aboriginal man); Alec Moray; Johnnie Newmarch (Manager, Wave Hill station, NT)
Fauna mentioned: Tiger (dog) (Canis familiaris); Billy (dog) (Canis familiaris); Lefty (dog) (Canis familiaris)