Introduction by the author: "Warning! This is not really a letter, but rather a collection of photographs arranged more or less in order in which they were taken. They will be left to tell most of the story, if there is any to be told. As this was to be the last -- for a long time at any rate -- I should do among the Australian Aboriginies, I was perhaps more liberal with exposures than usual.
Although the natives are similar to those met in the Musgrave Ranges in 1933, the country appeared to be different, firstly no hooves have yet wrecked and secondly it shared with the rest of Western Australia, many flowering bushes and trees, among which is the giant mallee. Compared with flowers of the ordinary mallee, those of this species are lies! Would you believe it if you saw a mouse the size of an Airedale!
The first pictures were taken at Ooldea Soak in 1934.
I know that there are too many photographs for you to look through, so only pause at those that please you. I have not gone to the trouble of reducing their numbers to an absolute minimum, -- for they all convey some memory to me, and this letter is mainly for myself in a few years time."