This item is a ‘Tudor Duplicate’ notebook containing alternating blank and lined pages, with each lined page sharing the same page number as the subsequent blank page. Only the first 43 pages of the notebook have been used, and the rest of the pages remain blank. Between pages 20 and 32 the lined pages have been removed from the notebook. The book contains notes recorded by Johnson when he conducted field work in 1960 and 1961. The notes consist of separate entries, mostly descriptions of archaeological sites with highly detailed illustrations of stone implements, often also featuring statistical tables showing the numbers of stone implements and their constituent materials at each site. Hand-drawn maps are provided for some sites. Most of the entries in the notebook are initialled, dated and titled. The separate entries are listed by page number as follows:
- Page 1 - ‘Notes on an archaeological site No. 5 at Lake Wilson, Mann Ranges, far NW of SA’. 27 July 1960.
- Page 5 - ‘A general analysis of 164 artifacts from five campsites at Lake Wilson’. 27 July 1960.
- Page 8 - ‘Notes on an archaeological site at Kudjewara Soak in the Mann Ranges, far NW of SA’. 31 July 1960.
- Page 12 - ‘Notes on a Kartan archaeological site near Chichinutinganna Soak, Mann Range, SA’. 31 July 1960.
- Page 15 - ‘Notes on a Tartangan archaeological site in the Mann Ranges, SA’. 2 August 1960.
- Page 20 - ‘Notes on an extraordinary concentration of Australites on Lake Wilson in the far NW of SA, in a geomorphic setting which gives a probable age of 15,000 BP for the Australites time of fall’. 20 September 1960.
- Page 33 - ‘Notes on an Aboriginal campsite at Pulkajulka’. 10 October 1960.
- Page 38 - ‘Notes on an Aboriginal campsite at Succinea Claypan, Mann Ranges, South Australia’. 26 January 1961.
- Page 41 - ‘Notes on an Aboriginal campsite at Kunbina, Mann Range, SA’. 3 February 1961.
Johnson has used the book's printed alphabetical index page to list localities he visited during the course of his field work. The localities listed in the index are in the Mann Ranges which span South Australia (SA) and Northern Territory (NT). Localities include Chichinutinganna Soak [Tjitjintjingana] (SA), Kudgewara Soak (SA), Kunbina (SA), Lake Wilson (SA), Mungadidja Soak (SA), Nungoorna (SA), Pulkajulka (SA), Succinea Claypan (SA). A number of locations that are not listed on the contents page are mentioned in the notebook. These include Hector Pass (SA), Mount Davies (SA), Petermann Ranges (NT/WA), and the Tomkinson Ranges (SA).
Names mentioned in the notebook include Peter Ngaminu, Tommy Dodd, and Dr George Baker.
Some of the artefacts Johnson found during his field work were donated to the South Australian Museum (SAM). SAM specimen numbers recorded in this notebook include A53386, A53865 and A53862.
Tindale Tribes: Pitjandjara.
Creator: Johnson, James Eric
Control: AA 159/1/7
Date Range:
01 July, 1960
03 February, 1961
notebook, 21.0x25.0cm
Formats: Notebooks