This item contains the following correspondence:
- 7 November 1983. Typewritten letter from Mick Vort-Ronald to June Scrymgour (SAMA 897) of the South Australian Museum, enclosing a copy of Vort-Ronald's correspondence with Johnson and expressing his wish that it be donated to the South Australian Museum. One page.
- 9 November 1983. Copy of typewritten letter from June Scrymgour, South Australian Museum, to Mick Vort-Ronald, thanking him for the copy of his correspondence with Johnson. One page.
- 11 May 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral specimen exchange and enclosing mineral specimens.
- 15 May 1967. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing mineral specimens exchanged and the collection and identification of mineral specimens. One page.
- 20 May 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral specimen collecting and exchange, the geology of the Port Augusta region, and the mineralogical characteristics of South Australia. Attached to this letter is a copy of a handwritten card describing the mineral Aurichalcite. Three pages.
- 28 June 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing identification of mineral specimens and a planned visit. One page.
- 20 July 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald enclosing a specimen of ribbon jasper and discussing identification of mineral specimens. One page.
- 28 July 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing mineral specimens exchanged and locations for collecting mineral specimens. One page.
- 28 August 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing Johnson's planned visit to Whyalla, mineral specimens for exchange, identification of mineral specimens, and mineral collecting around Cowell (SA). Three pages.
- 5 September 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing failure to visit Whyalla, and enclosing information and a hand-drawn map relating to mineral collecting around Cowell (SA). Three pages.
- 7 September 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing mineral specimens exchanged, identification of mineral specimens, and mineral specimen collecting. Three pages.
- 9 September 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing attendance at a mineral collecting field trip, mineral specimen exchange, and identification of mineral specimens. Two pages.
- 11 September 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing possible visit to Whyalla, locations for collecting mineral specimens, mineral specimen exchange, and identification of mineral specimens. Three pages.
- 22 September 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing visit to Whyalla, mineral specimens for exchange, and identification of mineral specimens. Three pages.
- 4 October 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing mineral formulae, and a specimen collecting trip to Mount Painter (SA), O'Donohue Castle Mine, and the Avondale Mine. Two pages.
- 25 October 1967. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to 'John' discussing mineral specimen exchange. Attached is a copy of a handwritten letter. Details of the the addressee and the sender of the letter are not included in this copy but a typewritten name and address at the bottom of the page reads 'John W Johnson, 524 Albert St, Cape Guardean, Mo, USA 63701, posted 25/9/67'. The letter raises a number of issues addressed in the attached letter from Vort-Ronald to 'John'. Two pages.
- 25 October 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing minerals around Olary (SA) and mineral specimen collecting. Three pages.
- 27 October 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing travel plans, radioactive minerals around Olary (SA), and mineral specimen collecting and exchange. Three pages.
- Undated. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald enclosing a package of mineral sample envelopes and mineral specimens, and discussing identification of mineral specimens. Two pages.
- Undated. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing formulae for various minerals, a mineral collecting trip to Olary (SA) and Broken Hill (SA), Vort-Ronald's mineral collecting at Mount Painter (SA), O'Donohue Mine (SA) and Avondale Mine (SA), and new mineral acquisitions. Four pages.
- 16 November 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing possible mineral collecting around Cowell (SA), mineralogical publications, and mineral specimen exchange. Two pages.
- 21 November 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing planned mineral collecting trip around Cowell (SA) and identification of mineral speciments. Two pages.
- 8 December 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing planned mineral collecting trip around Cowell (SA) and availability. One page.
- 11 December 1967. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing planned travel to Whyalla, availability, and mineral specimens. One page.
- 12 July 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing mineral specimens exchanged, identification of mineral specimens, and mineral formulae. One page.
- 13 July 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson enclosing mineral specimens. One page.
- Undated. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing identification of mineral specimens. Two pages.
- 18 July 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing change of employment, mineral formulae, mineral specimens exchanged, and identification of mineral specimens. Three pages.
- 25 July 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral formulae and identification of mineral specimens, and manganese oxides from Iron Monarch (SA). Three pages.
- 6 August 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing manganese oxides from Iron Monarch (SA), identification of mineral specimens, mineral formulae, and mineral specimen collecting. Two pages.
- 13 August 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral formulae, characteristics, and distribution, identification of mineral specimens, manganese oxides, and Johnson's new job. Five pages.
- 26 August 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing mineral specimens and australites. Two pages.
- 4 September 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing identification of mineral specimens, mineral specimens exchanged, and car travel around Arkaroola (SA). Three pages.
- 16 September 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson enclosing some mineral specimens and discussing mineral specimens exchanged and mineral collecting. One page.
- 3 October 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing structure and identification of manganese oxides and other mineral specimens, and mineral collecting. Seven pages.
- 22 October 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson enclosing mineral specimens, and discussing mineral specimen collecting, identification and exchange. Three pages.
- 26 October 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral specimens collecting and exchange, and identification of mineral specimens. Nine pages.
- 13 December 1968. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral specimen collecting at O'Donohue Castle Mine (SA) and identification of mineral specimens. Three pages.
- 21 January 1969. Copy of a handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson enclosing mineral specimens and discussing mineral specimen collecting. One page.
- 22 January 1969. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral specimens sent to Vort-Ronald and mineral collecting at O'Donohue Castle Mine (SA). One page.
- Undated. Incomplete copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald. The first page is missing but the subject of the letter appears to be the identification of a group of mineral specimens sent to Johnson by Vort-Ronald and Vort-Ronald's mineral collecting at Lake Gilles (SA). Four pages.
- 10 February 1969. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral formulae, mineral specimens exchanged. Two pages.
- 12 February 1969. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing mineral specimens exchanged and identification of mineral specimens. One page.
- 13 April 1969. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing tour of mines in the northern Flinders Ranges (SA), back pain, work at Geosurveys, the Adelaide Gem and Mineral Club, micromounted mineral specimens, establishing a micromount specimen collectors' group, and recent mineral acquisitions. Three pages.
- 5 May 1969. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing back pain, establishment of a micromount collectors' group, mineral collecting, transferring to another police station, and coin collecting. One page.
- Undated. Page from an incomplete copy of a handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson, containing a list of mineral specimens labelled from 'A' to 'Y' and details about the source of some of the specimens. One page.
- 11 July 1970. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing transfer to Angaston Police Station and promotion to first class constable. A section of this letter was removed by Vort-Ronald before he donated the collection to the South Australian Museum because "it contained personal opinions about an individual and his children" [AA 159/2/60/1]. One page.
- 25 July 1970. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing travel to the Chatham Islands in New Zealand, identification of mineral specimens, Vort-Ronald's transfer to work at Angaston Police Station, Johann Menge, mineralogical data from Western Australia, and conservationists. Seven pages.
- 22 October 1970. Copy of a typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing relocation, coin collecting, identification of mineral specimens, working and mineral collecting at Angaston, and mineral formulae. Two pages.
- 24 October 1970. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral identification and formulae, and work at Geosurveys. Six pages.
- 28 October 1970. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson enclosing mineral specimens and discussing identification of mineral specimens. One page.
- 31 October 1970. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral specimens exchanged, mineral formulae, identification of mineral specimens, and contemporary mineralogy. Three pages.
- 3 September 1971. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing reserve at Radium Hill (SA), mineral exhibition competitions, mineralogical publications, the Adelaide Gem and Mineral Club, micromounted mineral collecting, microscopes, mineralogical and geological photography, and copies of Proceedings of the South Australian Parliament. Seven pages.
- 23 October 1971. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing identification of mineral specimens, mineral specimen collecting, and health matters. Two pages.
- 30 October 1971. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing identification of mineral specimens, mineral collecting field trips, and health matters. One page.
- 19 May 1972. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson enclosing mineral specimens and discussing identification of mineral specimens and field collecting trips for the Adelaide Gem and Mineral Club. One page.
- 27 May 1972. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing the mineralogy of Reaphook Hill (SA) and identification of mineral specimens. Two pages.
- 22 June 1972. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing a field trip to Olary (SA) and Broken Hill (NSW), meteorites at Cockburn (SA), and identification of mineral specimens. Four pages.
- 27 June 1972. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing meteorites, mineralogy and identification of mineral specimens. Two pages.
- 24 August 1972. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing magnetite near Arkaroola Bore (SA), mineral specimen identification, and recommended collecting sites. The copy also features a copy of a map drawn by Johnson to illustrate the location of the magnetite being discussed. One page.
- 30 August 1972. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing identification of a mineral specimen from Dome Rock (SA). One page.
- 12 September 1972. Copy of handwritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing correspondence, mineral collecting trip to Arkaroola, transfer to new workplace, and Adelaide Gem and Mineral Club ('AGMC') meetings. One page.
- 14 September 1972. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing Vort-Ronald's promotion, composition of freirinite specimen, and lecturing at the AGMC. Two pages.
- 27 October 1972. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing Vort-Ronald's involvement in the AGMC, Johnson's planned lecture at the AGMC, Vort-Ronald's employment at the Swan Reach (SA) Police Station, and identification of mineral specimens. Attached to the letter is a one page typewritten list of minerals sent to Johnson. Two pages.
- 8 November 1972. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral specimens from Moculta (SA), identification of mineral specimens, and australites. Five pages.
- 29 December 1972. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing collecting at Reaphook Hill (SA), subscribing to Mineralogical Record magazine, planned AGMC field trip to Cowell (SA), and locations of wernerite. Two pages.
- 23 January 1973. Copy of a one page typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing pictures of minerals and Lake Gilles (SA) crystals. Attached to the letter is a copy of a four page typewritten article by Vort-Ronald, titled 'Lake Gilles and its Selenite Crystals', which was submitted for publication in The Fossicker, the newsletter of the AGMC. Also attached are four pages of illustrations depicting crystals from Lake Gilles (SA) and Kimba (SA). Nine pages.
- 12 March 1974. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing preparation of the Catalogue of Minerals of South Australia, identification of mineral specimens from Moculta (SA), and mineralogical matters. One page.
- 16 June 1974. Copy of one page handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing identification of mineral specimens from Moculta (SA). Attached to the letter is a copy of some handwritten notes about the identification of mineral specimens from Moculta (SA). Two pages.
- 7 August 1974. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to 'Marie' discussing mineral specimen collecting and exchange. One page.
- 19 August 1974. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing identification of mineral specimens. One page.
- 1 September 1974. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing material from Angaston (SA) left for Johnson's comments. One page.
- 2 September 1974. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing identification of mineral specimens and the Deloraine Mine (SA). Three pages.
- 4 September 1974. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to 'Marie' discussing Johnson's comments about the composition of mineral specimens. One page.
- 22 September 1974. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing composition of 'Paskalis' meteorite. One page.
- 4 October 1974. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson sent with mineral specimens and asking for Johnson's comments. One page.
- Undated. One page copy of handwritten notes made by Johnson under the heading 'Report on minerals submitted Oct. 4 1974'. One page.
- 4 April 1975. Incomplete copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing identification and composition of mineral specimens. One page.
- 16 April 1975. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing composition of mineral specimens sent to Johnson on 4 April 1975.
- 1 May 1975. Copy of typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing listed specimens of manganese crystals from Iron Monarch (SA). Two pages.
- 13 February 1976. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing identification and composition of mineral specimens. One page.
- 20 July 1976. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing visits to Reaphook Hill (SA) and identification of mineral specimens. One page.
- 17 January 1977. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing mineral specimens from Iron Monarch (SA), the nature of manganese oxide minerals, and mineralogy and meteorites. Six pages.
- Undated. Photocopy of advertisement for Olympus series VM stereoscopic microscopes. One page.
- Undated. Business card of Michael P. Vort-Ronald, of 6 Fisk Street Whyalla Norrie, South Australia.
- 30 October 1979. Copy of handwritten letter from Johnson to Vort-Ronald discussing Olympus VM microscopes. Also included on the page is a copy of Vort-Ronald's typewritten reply, dated 31 October 1979. One page.
- 31 October 1979. Typewritten letter from Vort-Ronald to Johnson discussing Johnson's letter of 30 October 1979. One page.
Australian locations mentioned in this correspondence, usually as source locations for mineral specimens, include Aclare Mine (SA), Angaston (SA), Ardglen (NSW), Arkaroola (SA), Avondale Mine (SA), Balcanoona (SA), Balhanna Mine (SA), Ballarat (Vic), Beltana (SA), Boolcoomata (SA), Broken Hill (NSW), Burra (SA), Callington (SA), Chatham Islands (New Zealand), Cockburn (SA), Cowell (SA), Deloraine Mine (SA), Denison Range (SA), Dome Rock (SA), Ediacara (SA), Ethiudna Mine (SA), Eyre Peninsula (SA), Harts Range (NT), Henbury (NT), Howell (NSW), Iron Baron (SA), Iron Knob (SA), Iron Monarch Mine (SA), Irvinebank (Qld), Kalgoorlie (WA), Kapunda (SA), Keyneton (SA), Kimba (SA), Kong Bore (NT), Lake Gilles (SA), Leigh Creek (SA), Lyndhurst (SA), Marree (SA), Maslin Beach (SA), McArthur River (NT), Meekatharra (WA), Miltalie (SA), Mintabie (SA), Moculta (SA), Moline (NT), Moonabie Range (SA), Moonta (SA), Mount Gunson (SA), Mount Isa (Qld), Mount Laura (SA), Mount Painter (SA), Mount Whyalla (SA), Mt Gambier (SA), Murninnie Mine (SA), Nairne (SA), Nepean Mine (WA), Nildottie (SA), O'Donohue Castle Mine (SA), Olary (SA), Pandanus Creek (NT), Paralana (SA), Penrice Quarry (SA), Pernatty Lagoon (SA), Port Augusta (SA), Radium Creek (SA), Radium Hill Mine (SA), Radium Ridge (SA), Reaphook Hill (SA), Robertstown (SA), Roopena (SA), Sedan Hill (SA), Skipton (Vic), Stonyfell (SA), Tantanoola (SA), Tarago (NSW), Tennant Creek (NT), Tepko (SA), Torrens Gorge (SA), Truro (SA), Tuena (NSW), Ullabidinie Reservoir (SA), Wallaroo (SA), Wannon Falls (VIC), Waukaringa (SA), Wertaloona (SA), White Cliffs (NSW), Whyalla (SA), Wilkawillina Gorge (SA), Windarra Mine (WA), Wingellina (WA), Wiperaminga Hill (SA), Wooltana Cave (SA), Yorke Peninsula (SA), and Yudnumatanha (SA).
Individuals mentioned in this correspondence include Russ Abbey, Bob Adams, Doug Barrett, Peter Bridge, Ben Cox, Harry Cruikshank, Ivan Duggan, Harry Fairbanks, Wally Fander, Michael Fitzgerald, Michael Fleischer, Ben Flounders, Glynn Francis, Harold Gallasch (see AA387), Reg Hansen, Reg Harvey, Rod Hill, RL Jack, Chris Johnston, Clem Latz, John McAndrew, Don McColl, Rob McEvoy, Johann Menge, Des Mooney, Joe Mooney, Brian Moore, Paul Moore, Robert Noble, Jack Pixley, Neville Pledge, Brian Richards, Harry Schiller, June Scrymgour (see SAMA 897), Merv Smith, Reg Sprigg, Brian Stapleton, Geoff Stewart, Noel Stewart, Bill Stuart, Lin Sutherland, Ern Swain, Jessie Sweet, and Dennis Walter.