'Black and white photocopies of photographs. Roonka Trench A. 10/14.'

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/01 / 'Black and white photocopies of photographs. Roonka Trench A. 10/14.'

'R[oll]95 #9 Sk 105. Gr[ave] pit extended into [layer] 4. 13 Nov, 1971.'
Enlargement of previous photocopy in which text is partially cut off. Photograph has been taken from other side of burial, showing position of skeleton.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/1/3/11
Date Range13 November, 1971  -  13 November, 1971
Quantity   1   A4 Loose Photocopy of Photograph.
FormatsPhotocopied Documents
Series AA 255/01