'Roll 170 frame 9, Stock punts, 5 end Cumbunga Ct. 2/2.'

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/01 / 'Roll 170 frame 9, Stock punts, 5 end Cumbunga Ct. 2/2.'

'Roll 170, Frame 10. Stock Punt and stock pew (make shift) S end and Cumbunga Clc[?].'
Photograph showing full extent of structure at side of river including what is left of the stock run and punt which sits in the water. Also gives a view of the trees which line the river, as well as other vegetation along the river bank.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/1/5/2
Quantity   1   20 x 25 cm Photograph.
FormatsLoose Photographic Prints
Series AA 255/01