"Field work in Papua New Guinea, 1968/69.
General Log
Graeme Pretty & Anthony Crawford for
Papua-New Guinea Public Museum, Port Moresby".
This notebook commences on 24/12/1968 (departure from Adelaide) and finishes on 10/2/1969 (Canberra).
The first three pages are notes about places to look out for and reminders of things to do.
This is followed by a two page summary describing the purpose of the expedition and funding sources.
The rest of the notebook is basically a day to day diary which mentions people met, places stayed, places visited, activities, the weather etc.
There is a loose sheet between the 15th January 1969 pages with further notes about 15 January.
There are several loose notes in a sleeve at the end of the notebook giving names, addresses and phone numbers of several contacts, a book reference and a list of things to do.
Disc labelled "G. Pretty Daily Jottings General Log". This is a Word document transcription of the two notebooks named "Daily Jottings" and "General Log" done by Phil Fitzpatrick in September 2009.
A copy of The "General Log" Word document is saved at Y:\Information Services\Confidential\Archive Collections\AA 255 PRETTY, Graeme\Southern Highlands Expedition PNG 1968-69\AA255-14-12 - General Log.