Daily Jottings, Southern Highlands Expedition, Papua New Guinea - 1968-69

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/14 / Daily Jottings, Southern Highlands Expedition, Papua New Guinea - 1968-69
  1. "Daily Jottings: DJ
    South Australian Museum
    Expedition to the Southern Highlands District, Papua
    Dec 1968 - Jan 1969
    Graeme Pretty".

    The pages of the notebook are numbered from 1 to 152.
    Notes are dated. There are various sketches, including details of face painting and head dress decoration (male and female), artefacts and plans of cooking area layouts.
    In general, the notebook reads like a diary with descriptions of locations, people, artefacts, purchases (including artefacts, food, plane tickets etc.), general observations, thoughts etc.
    There is also reference to some of the photographs taken.

  2. Disc labelled "G. Pretty Daily Jottings General Log". This is a Word document transcription of the two notebooks named "Daily Jottings" and "General Log" done by Phil Fitzpatrick in September 2009.
    A copy of The "Daily Jottings" Word document is saved at Y:\Information Services\Confidential\Archive Collections\AA 255 PRETTY, Graeme\Southern Highlands Expedition PNG 1968-69\AA255-14-13 - Daily Jottings.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/14/13/1-2
Date Range1968  -  1969
Quantity   1  
Series AA 255/14