General Journal, Journal of Fieldwork in Island Melanesia - 1971

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/14 / General Journal, Journal of Fieldwork in Island Melanesia - 1971

"General Journal in Island Melanesia, 1971".

This expedition went from 25 February 1971 until 1 June 1971.

A summary of the expedition and its aims is documented in "Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia 1971 - Summary.docx" located at "R:\Archives\AA 255 PRETTY, GL\Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia - 1971".
This document was compiled by Charles Gabrieël in February 2015.
In addition to a summary of the expedition there is a list of specimens collected for the SA Museum with clickable links to photographs of the specimens.
There is also a copy of this document at Y:\Information Services\Confidential\Archive Collections\AA 255 PRETTY, Graeme\Island Melanesia Expedition PNG 1971. However, the links to the photographs in this copy don't work.

Additionally, there is a spreadsheet named "Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia 1971 - Acquisitions.xlsx" located at R:\Archives\AA 255 PRETTY, GL\Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia - 1971 with a copy at Y:\Information Services\Confidential\Archive Collections\AA 255 PRETTY, Graeme\Island Melanesia Expedition PNG 1971 which lists the objects collected during this expedition. This is an extract of data from the SA Museum's Registry database.

The General Journals are a series of three notebooks, numbered 1-3, dated 25 February 1971 to 16 April 1971.These notebooks are a running diary/commentary on the "Island Melanesia" expedition in 1971 by Graeme Pretty and Anthony Crawford.

These three notebooks have been transcribed - refer files named "Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia 1971 - Journal 1.docx", "Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia 1971 - Journal 2.docx" and "Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia 1971 - Journal 3.docx" saved at "R:\Archives\AA 255 PRETTY, GL\Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia - 1971". The Word documents at this location have links to the photographs taken during the expedition.
There is also a copy of these documents saved at Y:\Information Services\Confidential\Archive Collections\AA 255 PRETTY, Graeme\Island Melanesia Expedition PNG 1971\AA255-14-21-1 to 3. However, the links to the photographs at this location don't work.
The pages transcribed in these three documents cover the period 25 February 1971 until 15 April 1971. The period 16 April 1971 until 24 May 1971 is covered in the "Daily Jottings" notebooks in AA255/14/22/1-7.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/14/21/1-3
Date Range25 February, 1971  -  16 April, 1971
Quantity   3  
Series AA 255/14