Manufacture of Stone Vessels called KATO - April 1971

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/14 / Manufacture of Stone Vessels called KATO - April 1971

"Fieldwork in Island Melanesia, GLP & ALC, 1971:
Manufacture of stone vessels called KATO
Bitje village, Gatokai Is., New Georgia, Solomon Islands, April 1971".

This notebook contains Graeme Pretty’s observations about the manufacture and use of stone vessels called Kato in Bitje village. There is also a record of family genealogy for the people he met at Bitje village, Gatokai Island, New Georgia. This has been transcribed into a Word document "Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia 1971 - Manufacture of stone vessels called KATO.docx" located at "R:\Archives\AA 255 PRETTY, GL\Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia - 1971".
The Word document at this location has links to the photographs taken during the expedition.
There is also a copy of this document saved at Y:\Information Services\Confidential\Archive Collections\AA 255 PRETTY, Graeme\Island Melanesia Expedition PNG 1971\AA255-14-23. However, the links to the photographs at this location don't work.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/14/23
Date Range01 April, 1971  -  30 April, 1971
Quantity   1  
Series AA 255/14