Commonwealth Art Advisory Board, New Guinea - 1971

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/14 / Commonwealth Art Advisory Board, New Guinea - 1971

"New Guinea, 1971, for the Commonwealth Art Advisory Board".

This notebook covers the period 2 May to 17 May 1971 when Graeme Pretty visited New Britain and New Ireland.
This visit was to investigate the prospects of collecting ethnic art from these locations and was supported and funded by the Commonwealth Art Advisory Board (CAAB). Observations from the earlier part of the "Island Melanesia" expedition (25/2/1971 – 1/5/1971) were also relevant to this second phase of the same trip as the subject matter of the research project was closely related to the ethnic art investigation.

The "Daily Jottings" notebooks, Volumes VII to X, overlap the period covered by the CAAB notebook (2 May - 17 May 1971). The document with the Daily Jottings notebook transcriptions ("Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia 1971 - Daily Jottings Books V to X.docx" located at "R:\Archives\AA 255 PRETTY, GL\Graeme Pretty - Island Melanesia - 1971") has entries from the CAAB notebook inserted where relevant and where they add additional information.

The CAAB notebook also has loose sheets covering 14 May to 21 May 1971.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/14/24
Date Range02 May, 1971  -  17 May, 1971
Quantity   1  
Series AA 255/14