Southern Highlands Expedition, Papua New Guinea - 1968-69 - Associated Material

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/14 / Southern Highlands Expedition, Papua New Guinea - 1968-69 - Associated Material

A series of documents and DVDs produced from the 1968-69 Graeme Pretty/Anthony Crawford expedition to the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea.
These items were compiled for Barry Craig from original source material by Jenny Dalakis, Phil Fitzpatrick, Barry Taverner and Charles Gabrieël from 2009 to 2013.
They were stored on Shelf 1.4 at the Netley Archives.

  1. "G. Pretty Collection 1968-69 Photography". This is the hand-written label on an envelope containing the items listed at 2 to 6 below. The postal envelope is also included.

  2. Letter from Phil Fitzpatrick to Barry Craig dated 28 May 2009 giving an update of progress in the documentation of objects collected during the expedition.
    This includes a list of the objects collected and highlights those already photographed at that time.

  3. A list of photographs of the objects collected by Graeme Pretty and Anthony Crawford during the 1968-69 expedition. These images have been scanned and saved at Y:\Anthropology\Foreign Ethnology\Graeme Pretty Collection - Mendi and Tari-Huli.

  4. A list of objects whose Field Collection Numbers could not be 100% reconciled to the registration numbers of the SA Museum or the PNG National Museum, and vice versa. This is an early version of this list. See number 9 below for the final version with additional notes added by Charles Gabrieël.

  5. South Australian Artefact Registry System report dated 24 March 2011.
    This lists objects collected during the PNG Southern Highlands expedition by number, date collected, location, description etc.

  6. (a) Disc labelled "G. Pretty Collection 1968-69 (Photographs) Artefacts". This is a copy of the photographs of the objects collected. Copies of these images are located at Y:\Anthropology\Foreign Ethnology\Graeme Pretty Collection - Mendi and Tari-Huli.
    The documents under this folder location have had these images inserted in them. These documents were commenced by Phil Fitzpatrick and completed by Charles Gabrieel.
    (b) Disc labelled "Pretty Crawford 1969 photos", which is virtually the same as the disc at 6(a).
    (c) The disc labelled "PNG Images (Ripple Graphics) Jenny Dalakis AA255 Pretty AA356 Waite" has copies sorted by colour and black and white film types and film numbers located at R:\Archives\AA 255 PRETTY, GL\Melanesian slides JEN. These are photographs of the expedition.
    (d) The disc named "new guinea salvage ethnology 1968/69" is a copy of a manuscript written by Graeme Pretty after the Southern Highlands expedition.
    This disc has been copied to Y:\Information Services\Confidential\Archive Collections\AA 255 PRETTY, Graeme\Southern Highlands Expedition PNG 1968-69\AA255-14-39-6d - new guinea salvage ethnology 1968-69.
    The photographs in this document are amongst those located at R:\Archives\AA 255 PRETTY, GL\Melanesian slides JEN\JPGs.

  7. Yellow envelope labelled "G.L. Pretty & Crawford Southern Highlands 1968-69. Dataset by Phil Fitzpatrick and amendments by Charles Gabrieel. Pretty 1968-69".
    The items listed at 8 to 9 below were in this envelope.

  8. (a) "Mendi Collection". An early version of the Word document located at Y:\Anthropology\Foreign Ethnology\Graeme Pretty Collection - Mendi and Tari-Huli\Documents.
    This relates to the section of the document named "Mendi Collection".
    The final document is named "Final Artefact List - Mendi Collection - Charles Additions.docx". This is a description with embedded photographs of the Mendi artefacts collected during this expedition in 1968-69.
    (b) "Tari - Huli Collection". An early version of the Word document located at Y:\Anthropology\Foreign Ethnology\Graeme Pretty Collection - Mendi and Tari-Huli\Documents. This is the section of the document named "Tari - Huli Collection".
    The final document is named "Final Artefact List - Tari-Huli Collection - Charles Additions.docx". This is a description with embedded photographs of the Tari and Huli artefacts collected during this expedition in 1968-69.

  9. Word document titled "Pretty-Crawford 1968-69 Expedition Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea".
    This is a list of objects whose Field Collection Numbers could not be 100% reconciled to the registration numbers of the SA Museum or the PNG National Museum, and vice versa. An earlier version of this list is shown at number 4 above.
    The soft copy of this document is at Y:\Anthropology\Foreign Ethnology\Graeme Pretty Collection - Mendi and Tari-Huli\Documents\Items to be checked - Phil Fitzpatrick.docx".

  10. Spreadsheet named "Graeme Pretty Collection - Items to be located.xlsx".
    This lists items that haven't been located or there are other discrepancies in the records that require clarification.
    The soft copy of this document is at Y:\Anthropology\Foreign Ethnology\Graeme Pretty Collection - Mendi and Tari-Huli\Documents\Graeme Pretty Collection - Items to be located.xlsx".

  11. Cardboard envelope that included a typed note and a disc from Phil Fitzpatrick dated 14/5/2011 and addressed to Barry Craig.
    The note states that the enclosed disc had copies of the Mendi and Tari-Huli documents in Word and PDF formats.
    The disc labelled "GL Pretty Southern H'lds Collection 1968-69 data and photos" has an early version of the document with embedded photos located at Y:\Anthropology\Foreign Ethnology\Graeme Pretty Collection - Mendi and Tari-Huli.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/14/39/1-11
Series AA 255/14