Ethnography of the Huli, Southern Highlands Expedition, Papua New Guinea - 1969

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/14 / Ethnography of the Huli, Southern Highlands Expedition, Papua New Guinea - 1969
  1. "Ethnography of the Huli
    Southern Highlands PNG
    Vol 1"
    "GL Pretty and AL Crawford 1969".
    Hand-written exercise book - pages numbered 1 to 80.

    The notebook has a table of contents/index which has numbered chapters ("categories") related to daily life and the page numbers where these categories are found in the notebook. Artefacts collected during the expedition are referenced throughout the notebook by a circled field collection number, which corresponds to the numbers in the notebook titled "Field Register of Specimens" - AA255/14/10.

    There are numerous sketches throughout the notebook.
    Inside the front cover is a list of "informants" names and a couple of other notes regarding the entries in the notebook.

  2. "Ethnography of the Huli
    Southern Highlands PNG
    Vol 2"
    "GL Pretty and AL Crawford 1969".
    Hand-written exercise book - pages numbered 1 to 79.

    Pages 24 to 26, "Dress - man", are the only pages with anything written on them. These three pages are a list of artefacts collected with a field collection number noted in the left margin. These numbers correspond to the numbers in the notebook titled "Field Register of Specimens" - AA255/14/10.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/14/9/1-2
Date Range1968  -  1969
Quantity   2  
Series AA 255/14