Black and white photographs and negatives from four sources, collected by Graeme Pretty.
Most are from Papua New Guinea but there are also a small number from New Zealand.
"Copies of ethnological photos in the collection of the Melbourne Museum. Done for me by John Holman 1969". This notation is written by Graeme Pretty on an envelope that came with these images.
Black and white negatives on two rolls of film - photos of people, probably from Papua New Guinea.
Roll 1. 17 images.
Roll 2. 36 images.
"Aust Inst of Anatomy Colln. Canberra". This notation is written on an envelope that came with these photographs.
A series of 19 black and white photographs of objects in the Australian Institute of Anatomy Collection, with hand-written notes on the reverse.
16 are from locations in Papua New Guinea and 3 are from New Zealand.
"Karawari and Hunstein Mts; Figures - Philip Goldman 15.2.1972".
This notation is written by Graeme Pretty on an envelope addressed to him that contained these photographs.
Spread over 19 pages.
There is a covering letter, including descriptions and prices of 14 photographed objects that Philip Goldman had for sale at his gallery in London, UK in 1972.
The objects are from the Karawari River and Hunstein Range areas of Papua New Guinea.
There are 15 photographs, with object number 3 having an extra photograph showing closer detail.
"Negatives of the prints in Vivian's album in same order as album.
Total 244.
For negative filing and contact printing and collating against our photocopy of the album.
Total $292.80".
This notation is written by Graeme Pretty on the envelope that came with these images.
There is actually a total of 249 negatives.
These negatives are of images taken of photographic prints in an album of Reginald Arthur Vivian's (AA 150). The description of each photo (as written in the album) can also be seen in the negatives.
The negatives are spread across 13 rolls of film labelled Roll No. 1 - Roll No. 13.
The images are of people and locations in Papua New Guinea.