These images are all 35mm colour slides, taken by Graeme Pretty from 1962 to 1967 at various locations around the world.
25 colour slides over 2 pages - Tule Springs, Nevada USA, 1962.
Archaeological excavation.
29 colour slides over 2 pages - taken from the ship "T.V. Fairstar" 10-12 July 1966.
Views of Socotra Island (off Somalia), off eastern coast of Africa. Not much detail can be seen.
15 colour slides on 1 page - in and around Pompeii, Italy 18 July 1966.
193 colour slides over 10 pages - in and around Wallingford, UK (about 70km west of London), August 1966.
Six images show maps of the area, including one of the archaeological excavations.
60 images are of buildings and people in Wallingford.
127 images are of the archaeological excavations.
39 colour slides over 2 pages - in and around Oxford, UK (about 100km northwest of London), August - December 1966.
Historical buildings in Oxford.
14 colour slides on 1 page - Chinese Collection, Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Cambridge UK - about 100km north of London), October and November 1966.
All the images are mainly of Neolithic pottery items from China.
13 colour slides on 1 page - from Melanesian Collections in three different museums, October and November 1966:
(a) Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (10 slides). See also AA 255/15/6/10(c) for other photos taken on the same visit.
(b) Horniman Museum, London (2 slides),
(c) British Museum, London (1 slide).
Stone axes and pounders from various locations in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.
23 colour slides over 2 pages - in and around Kuala Lumpur, 2 January 1967.
(a) Negara Museum (12 slides).
Views of the outside of the museum and photos of items in the archaeological collection.
(b) Views around Kuala Lumpur and the Batu Caves (11 slides).
57 colour slides over 3 pages - in and around Djakarta, Indonesia, 4-6 January 1967.
(a) Photos of buildings and street scenes around Djakarta (40 slides).
(b) Photos labelled "Museum Pusat" - exterior of the museum and various archaeological items in the museum (17 slides).
21 colour slides over 2 pages - in and around Singapore, January 1967.
Views of buildings in Singapore.