'Photograph negatives artefacts found at the Roonka Dig. 1/3.'

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/03 / 'Photograph negatives artefacts found at the Roonka Dig. 1/3.'

The only description given to the seven negatives shown on this page reads: 'In Position.'

  1. Negative showing three stone tools side by side.

  2. Negative showing a large worked piece of stone with a smaller rounded worked stone.

  3. Negative showing a large worked flat piece of stone with a smaller worked stone placed on top.

  4. Negative showing the inside of a cave.

  5. Negative showing a worked stone with in what appear to be arrow markings on it's surface.

  6. Negative showing five Bone Points.

  7. Negative showing three woven items.

  8. Negative showing a sand dune where work is being completed.

  9. Negative showing artistic details on what appears to be stone.

  10. Negative showing artistic details on what appears to be stone.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/3/9/2/1-10
Quantity   7   35 mm Photographic Negatives.
FormatsPhotographic Film Negatives
Series AA 255/03