'Photograph negatives artefacts found at the Roonka Dig. 2/3.'

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/03 / 'Photograph negatives artefacts found at the Roonka Dig. 2/3.'

The only description given to the seven negatives shown on this page reads: 'In Position per page.'

  1. Negative showing four worked stone tools.

  2. Negative showing multiple lines worked into a section of stone wall.

  3. Negative showing work being carried out on the Roonka Site.

  4. Negative showing eight worked stone tools.

  5. Negative showing remains of a large shell with two holes piercing one corner.

  6. Negative showing work being carried out on the Roonka Site.

  7. Negative showing an unknown item on a red background.

  8. Negative showing an unknown item on a red background.

  9. Negative showing two stone tools.

  10. Negative showing three stone tools.

  11. Negative showing two rounded stone tools.

  12. Negative showing two rounded stone tools.

  13. Negative showing a stone tool.

  14. Negative showing a canoe tree.

  15. Negative showing three unknown objects on a yellow background.

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/3/9/3/1-15
Quantity   15   35 mm Photographic Negatives.
FormatsPhotographic Film Negatives
Series AA 255/03