'84/1-19. Sk[eleton] 107, Tr[ench] A, 8/73, 2A, Strat[igraphy] Env[elope]. 1/1.'

Archive Collections / Graeme Lloyd Pretty / Series AA 255/06 / '84/1-19. Sk[eleton] 107, Tr[ench] A, 8/73, 2A, Strat[igraphy] Env[elope]. 1/1.'

'Trench 2A (Helen Tolcher) with wind break and planks.'

CreatorGraeme Lloyd Pretty
ControlAA 255/6/912
Date Range29 August, 1973  -  29 August, 1973
Quantity   1   Colour 35mm Slide
Series AA 255/06