Ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna Miyurna yartangka. Munaintya puru purruna ngadlu-itya. Munaintyanangku yalaka tarrkarriana tuntarri.

We acknowledge we are on Kaurna Miyurna land. The Dreaming is still living. From the past, in the present, into the future, forever.

Cultural Sensitivity Warning
It is a condition of use of the cultural components of the Museum Archives that users ensure that any disclosure of information contained in this collection is consistent with the views and sensitivities of Indigenous people. Users are warned that there may be words and descriptions that may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. Users should also be aware that some records document research into people and cultures using a scientific research model dating from the first half of the twentieth century, and depicts people as research subjects in ways which may today be considered offensive. Some records contain terms and annotations that reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written, and may be considered inappropriate today in some circumstances. Users should be aware that in some Indigenous communities, hearing names of deceased persons might cause sadness or distress, particularly to the relatives of these people. Furthermore, certain totemic symbols may also have prohibitions relating to the age, initiation and ceremonial status or clan of the person who may see them. Records included may be subject to access conditions imposed by Indigenous communities and/or depositors. Users are advised that access to some materials may be subject to these terms and conditions that the Museum is required to maintain.

Books and papers from which information was taken.

Archive Collections / James Dugald Somerville / Series AA 297/05 / Books and papers from which information was taken.

Sources used (ie. Bibliography)

Individual entries from these sources are NOT listed here.

'Narrative of voyage of Discovery' by James Grant 1803
'Voyage of discovery in Southern Hemisphere' by Francois Peron 1809
'Terra Australis' by Mathew Flinders 1814
'Freycinet's Voyage of discovery in the Southern Hemisphere' by 1815, 1819
'Land Office letterbooks'
'SAG&C Register'
SA Register
SA Record
SA Government Gazette
Select Committee on SA (Cannon report) 1841
Southern Australian Whalers trip
Adelaide Observer
Mr Nath Hailes (SA Archives)
'Journal of Exploration in Central and Southern Australia' by Edward John Eyre 1845
'South Australia and its Mines' by F Dutton 1846
'Savage life in Australia and New Zealand' 2nd Ed. C Sturt 1849
PE Warburton naming Great Salt Lake 1857
Parliamentary Papers 156, 189 Stephen Hack's exploration; 25/1858, 38 and 55/1865-66
Commissioner for Police re Geharty Expedition 1858
'South Australia. Its progress and prosperity' by Anthony Forster 1866
'Early Experiences of Colonial Life' by John Wrathall Bull 1878, 1884
'Early History of Victoria' by Francis Peter Labilliere 1878
'Reminescences of an adventerous life' by Alex Tolmer 1882
'Port Phillip Settlement' by James Bonwick 1883
Tasmanian Parliamentary Papers 44/1885. 'Expedition to Pt Phillip'
'History of South Australia - rough draft' by Hussey
'History of South Australia' by E Modder 1893
'Early Exploration in South Australia' by JC Hawker 1891, 1901
'Letters from Victorian Pioneers' 1898
'Recollection of old colonists' Police Trooper McLean vol 5, 1901-2
'Life of Sir G Grey' by C Henderson 1907
'Nomenclature of SA' by Rodney Cockburn 1908
'Waddikee Rock Monuments' manuscript SA Museum 1912
'History of SA' by John Blacket 1911
'Report Interstate Conference on artesian water'
EAD Opie 1917
'SA Explorations to 1856' by Gwenneth Williams 1919
'Early Settlers in SA' by HP Moore 1923-4
'Pastures New' by Billis and Kenyon 1930
'Eyres Peninsula Tribune' Standley 1933-4
"Rufus" in Register 'Darke's grave' 1933: Evans Death 1934
'Dictionary of Australian Biography' by Mannell 1892
'Australian Encyclopedia' Jose & Carter 1925-6
'Historical Magazine of Victoria' Vol 1 no 1

CreatorJames Dugald Somerville
ControlAA 297/5/1/7/5
Date Range1803  -  1934
Quantity   5   correspondence pages
FormatsGeneral Correspondence
Series AA 297/05