This item consists of 5 acetate discs containing rerecordings of Tasmanian songs sung by Fanny Cochrane Smith in 1899 and 1903. The songs and commentary were originally recorded on wax cylinders. The acetate disc recordings were made in January 1949 when Norman B Tindale visited the Tasmanian Museum for this purpose.
Tindale noted in his field journal: 'succeeded in the morning in cutting a reasonable set of Tasmanian song records, considering the very indifferent nature of them. In the afternoon took them to the ABC [Australian Broadcasting Commission] studios and rerecorded them. The results did not differ overmuch although our Presto machine has a vibration in it which is very unfortunate. This was particularly marked with one song. The Tasmanian series consists today of 4 whole wax cylinders and some irrevocably broken fragments of two others one of which was called a 'translation'' (Friday 7 January 1949, AA 338/1/36, p.179).
For further details regarding the original recordings see Murray J. Longman, 'Songs of the Tasmanian Aborigines as Recorded by Mrs. Fanny Cochrane Smith', Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, Vol.94, 1960, pp. 73-86, and for further details of Tindale's rerecording see his journal: 'Tasmania and the Part Aborigines of the Bass Strait Islands and Kangaroo Island .. by Norman B. Tindale 1936-1965+' (AA 338/1/36).
These discs have not been transferred to digital format.
The contents of the 5 discs are:
AA 338/11/15/