Ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna Miyurna yartangka. Munaintya puru purruna ngadlu-itya. Munaintyanangku yalaka tarrkarriana tuntarri.

We acknowledge we are on Kaurna Miyurna land. The Dreaming is still living. From the past, in the present, into the future, forever.

Cultural Sensitivity Warning
It is a condition of use of the cultural components of the Museum Archives that users ensure that any disclosure of information contained in this collection is consistent with the views and sensitivities of Indigenous people. Users are warned that there may be words and descriptions that may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. Users should also be aware that some records document research into people and cultures using a scientific research model dating from the first half of the twentieth century, and depicts people as research subjects in ways which may today be considered offensive. Some records contain terms and annotations that reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written, and may be considered inappropriate today in some circumstances. Users should be aware that in some Indigenous communities, hearing names of deceased persons might cause sadness or distress, particularly to the relatives of these people. Furthermore, certain totemic symbols may also have prohibitions relating to the age, initiation and ceremonial status or clan of the person who may see them. Records included may be subject to access conditions imposed by Indigenous communities and/or depositors. Users are advised that access to some materials may be subject to these terms and conditions that the Museum is required to maintain.
Supplementary to: 'Kurlge, Blackwood, South Australia. Journal principally entomological and general by Norman B. Tindale. 1 June 1964 to 11 August 1969. Adelaide', AA 338/1/48/2

This series contains restricted material.

This item consists of 4 magnetic tapes recorded by Norman B Tindale at Gerard (SA), 25 July 1964. On 24 July Tindale met three men who, years previously, had been taken by missionaries at Ooldea (SA) to live at the Gerard Mission. They were Daniel Mudu, Jimmy James, and Wally Mandjakura. In his field journal Tindale noted: 'all three claimed to speak Pitjandjara but Wally Mandyakura was Wirtjapakandja, because he was from the 'Ranges', the others were ŋalia' (p. 621). On returning the following day, Tindale recorded on tape two of the men (Mudu and James) singing and talking about songs relating to areas north of Ooldea. Note, however, that in annotations on tape boxes Tindale described Mudu and James as Kokata men. The following contents descriptions are taken from Tindale's annotations on the tape boxes:
AA 338/11/27/
Reel 1

  • 'Henry on bullroarer from Jalukari and how he ignored message on it and remained at Gerard; Mudu tells of his history; Kokata men from N of Nullarbor and S of Anmaŋo. These men escaped initiation by being taken by missionaries to Gerard. They were therefore 'grown up children' in their knowledge of former life, 25 July 1964
    [CD 1. Tracks 1-11. Tape No. 9692; TT153; Reel 1/12]

Reel 2
  • Data from Mudu, Kokata, North of Nullarbor Plain at Anmaŋo; song: Ma:pupinma of Pleiades, refers to Jula place Anmaŋo; Mudu speaks of Kurubaru (magpie) and opens with a song between Anmaŋo and Kulan, 25 July 1964
    [CD 2. Tracks 1-20. Tape No. 9692; TT153 & Tape No. 9693; TT154; Tape 2/13]

Reel 3
  • Discussion on djimari (continued), Kokata, Anmaŋo North of Nullarbor Plain, 25 July 1964
    [CD 3. Tracks 1-15. Tape No. 9693; TT154; Reel 3/14]

Reel 4
  • Mudu sings a song which may be heard by all people. Kokata songs from the Nullarbor, 25 July 1964
    [CD 4. Tracks 1-15. Tape No. 9693; TT155; Reel 4/15]

Tindale Tribes: Kokata; Pitjandjara.

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/11/27/CDs 1-4
Date Range1964  -  1964
Quantity   4   x 5 inch magnetic tapes, 4 access CDs
Series AA338/11
Tindale Tribes: