Ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna Miyurna yartangka. Munaintya puru purruna ngadlu-itya. Munaintyanangku yalaka tarrkarriana tuntarri.
We acknowledge we are on Kaurna Miyurna land. The Dreaming is still living. From the past, in the present, into the future, forever.
This series contains restricted material.
This item consists of 4 magnetic tapes recorded by Norman B Tindale at Gerard (SA), 25 July 1964. On 24 July Tindale met three men who, years previously, had been taken by missionaries at Ooldea (SA) to live at the Gerard Mission. They were Daniel Mudu, Jimmy James, and Wally Mandjakura. In his field journal Tindale noted: 'all three claimed to speak Pitjandjara but Wally Mandyakura was Wirtjapakandja, because he was from the 'Ranges', the others were ŋalia' (p. 621). On returning the following day, Tindale recorded on tape two of the men (Mudu and James) singing and talking about songs relating to areas north of Ooldea. Note, however, that in annotations on tape boxes Tindale described Mudu and James as Kokata men. The following contents descriptions are taken from Tindale's annotations on the tape boxes:
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Reel 1