Ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna Miyurna yartangka. Munaintya puru purruna ngadlu-itya. Munaintyanangku yalaka tarrkarriana tuntarri.

We acknowledge we are on Kaurna Miyurna land. The Dreaming is still living. From the past, in the present, into the future, forever.

Cultural Sensitivity Warning
It is a condition of use of the cultural components of the Museum Archives that users ensure that any disclosure of information contained in this collection is consistent with the views and sensitivities of Indigenous people. Users are warned that there may be words and descriptions that may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. Users should also be aware that some records document research into people and cultures using a scientific research model dating from the first half of the twentieth century, and depicts people as research subjects in ways which may today be considered offensive. Some records contain terms and annotations that reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written, and may be considered inappropriate today in some circumstances. Users should be aware that in some Indigenous communities, hearing names of deceased persons might cause sadness or distress, particularly to the relatives of these people. Furthermore, certain totemic symbols may also have prohibitions relating to the age, initiation and ceremonial status or clan of the person who may see them. Records included may be subject to access conditions imposed by Indigenous communities and/or depositors. Users are advised that access to some materials may be subject to these terms and conditions that the Museum is required to maintain.
Supplementary to journal: 'Entomology and General Field Trips by Norman B Tindale. 1964-1965. Adelaide, S. Australia', AA 338/1/43/3

This series contains restricted material.

This item consists of 10 magnetic tapes recorded by Norman B Tindale at Yalata (SA) in 1964. Most of the material recorded, including song cycles, tjukurpa stories, and discussions on ceremonial boards, is of a restricted nature. Tindale offers partial and tentative transcriptions of songs as well as descriptions of performances in his field journal: 'Entomology and General Field Trips by Norman B Tindale. 1964-1965. Adelaide, S. Australia', AA 338/1/43/3, pp. 23-169. With regard to the Malu, Kanyala and Tjuruki song cycle, he noted that: 'none of the men have sufficient command of English to give the meanings of the songs and I record them in the hope that they can be more fully understood in the future' (AA 338/1/43/3, p.73).

The following contents descriptions have been taken from annotations written by Tindale on the tape boxes:
AA 338/11/28/
Reel 1

  • 'Nganamara tjukurupa (mallee fowl) of Njumuruŋa .. sung by Porinja (Fat Jack), cries of birds are imitated', 22 October 1964
    This item is restricted
    [CD 1. Tracks 1-28. Tape No. 9683; TT142; Yalata 1]

Reel 2
  • 'Kalaia tjukurupa sung by Modoko. It starts at Pulapula kapi tjokola, a rockhole north of the porcupine grass plain. Sung in the Pitjandjara language', 23 October 1964
    This item is restricted
    [CD 2. Tracks 1-24. Tape No. 9683; TT143; Yalata 2]

Reel 3
  • Malu, kanjala and tjuruki (kangaroo, euro and owl) sung by Onandu and helped by many others .. 39 songs, 24 October 1964
    This item is restricted
    [CD 3. Tracks 1-34. Tape No. 9684; TT144 & Tape No. 9685; TT145; Yalata 3]

Reel 4
  • 'General discussion at display of tjilbirba boards of four totems at Yalata, 26 October 1964 with about 30 men present. Wati Kutjara and Keibara tjukurupa are mentioned'
    This item is restricted
    [CD 4. Tracks 1-3. Tape No. 9678; TT137; Yalata 4]

Reel 5
  • 'Sonny Williams, 34 years, tells of the Keibara whose name is Walji. He uses a few whiteman phrases', 26 October 1964
    This item is restricted
    [CD 5. Tracks 1-6. Tape No. 9678; TT137 & 9679; TT138; Yalata 5]

Reel 6
  • 'Story of Malu, Kanjala & Tjuruki (kangaroo, euro and owl)', 28 October 1964
    This item is restricted
    [CD 6. Tracks 1-3. Tape No. 9679; TT138; Yalata 6]

Reel 7
  • 'Discussion on Nganamara (mallee fowl) story. Speakers in order: Onandu 'Ron Day', Moŋki (Pompey). The story is clear as far as Malkandji after which it is lost', 28 October 1964
    This item is restricted
    [CD 7. Tracks 1-5. Tape No. 9679; TT138 & Tape No. 9680; TT139; Yalata 7]

Reel 8
  • 'Keibara song cycle as known at Yalata, S. Aust. 1st side 18 songs; song 18 repeated on 2nd side followed by outline of story; 2nd side Laka song cycle Mala wati from Ooldea', 29-30 October 1964
    This item is restricted
    [CD 8. Tracks 1-14. Tape No. 9680; TT139 & Tape No. 9681; TT140; Yalata 8]

Reel 9
  • 'Laka mala wati (rock wallaby) as sung at Ooldea', 30 October 1964
    This item is restricted
    [CD 9. Tracks 1-5. Tape No. 9681; TT140 & Tape No. 9682; TT141; Yalata 9]

Reel 10
  • 'Laka mala wati (continued). Young man .. brought in from initiation at Ooldea when Tindale witnessed ceremony is in camp here .. his companion is now dead', 30 October 1964
    This item is restricted
    [CD 10. Tracks 1-5. Tape No. 9682; TT141; Yalata 10]

Tindale Tribes: Pitjandjara.

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/11/28/CDs 1-10
Date Range1964  -  1964
Quantity   10   x 3 inch magnetic tapes, 10 access CDs
Series AA338/11
Tindale Tribes: