'Northern Territory of Australia Pastoral Leases and Grazing Licenses'

Archive Collections / Dr Norman Barnett Tindale / Series AA338/15 / 'Northern Territory of Australia Pastoral Leases and Grazing Licenses'

This item comprises two photocopies of an annotated printed pastoral map. The annotations, which include text and small symbols (squares, diamonds, etc) are nearly illegible, as is a handwritten key to the symbols. A note at top reads: 'Please hold & return to JBB [Joseph Birdsell]'. This note is crossed out in pencil and a note by Tindale reads: 'returned to JBB'. Dates of annotation are unknown. The second photocopy is identical except that the note has been covered with white correction fluid.

This item contains references to: Northern Territory.

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/15/134/1-2
Quantity   2   maps, 26.0x37.0 cm (Part 1 and Part 2)
Series AA338/15