'Shell Road Map of Musgrave Ranges & Country S.W. of Alice Springs'

Archive Collections / Dr Norman Barnett Tindale / Series AA338/15 / 'Shell Road Map of Musgrave Ranges & Country S.W. of Alice Springs'
Supplementary to: 'Journal of an Anthropological Expedition to the Mann and Musgrave Ranges, North West of South Australia, May - July 1933, and a personal record of the Anthropological expedition to Ernabella, Aug. 1933. Adelaide 1933.' (AA 338/1/9)

Linen backed copy of road map contains Tindale's signature in india ink. Erldunda and Andaloo are underlined in pencil. Scale 1 inch = 8 miles.

This item contains references to: Northern Territory.

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/15/14
Date Range1933  -  1933
Quantity   1   map, 58.5x76.0 cm
Series AA338/15