'N.W. Aust. to Coorong, S. Aus.unifacially worked points pirri
a) Louisa Downs, N.WA. A4 5246 in S. Australian Mus. Length 7.3cm
b) Moolabulla Stn NWA A 45306
c) ditto native name Kambira = A 45380 eagles claw
d) Moolabulla Kanbira A 45249
e) ditto A 4538 called panangga
f) Evliwanjawanja Mangrove Ranges S. Aust. ALI602
g) Boolka Lake NSW. A 21378
h) Mt Davenport, SE of S Aust. A 21590 coll by N.B. Tindale
i) Santo, S Aust. 100 yds NE of Section Z of Kurtze A 43356
also slide 7
7.3 cm
N.B. Tindale Photo C and C Journ. 3 p. 80'