Ngadlu tampinthi ngadlu Kaurna Miyurna yartangka. Munaintya puru purruna ngadlu-itya. Munaintyanangku yalaka tarrkarriana tuntarri.
We acknowledge we are on Kaurna Miyurna land. The Dreaming is still living. From the past, in the present, into the future, forever.
"Matsion Line Hawaii South Seas. 'W/Cdr NB Tindale, Monterey, Sydney. 1946". California - New Zealand - Australia.
Colour luggage label
SS Monterey
One colour post card
"The SS Monterey, 632 feet long, 79 feet Bredth, gross tonnage 19,000, speed 20 1/2 knots". Pacific Ocean.
Two colour post card SS Monterey.
"Cabin 503 on SS Mariposa 3 July 1936 between Pago Pago and Honolulu, NB Tindale"
Pacific Ocean.
One sepia photoraphic print.
Pacific Ocean, Tin Can Island. B&W photograph "Tin can Island E of Fiji, where mail was formerly dropped in a container to people who swam out from the shore. NB Tindale, 30 June 1936". Pacific Ocean, Tin Can Island.
One b/w photographic print.
"Molokai. Island of Molokai from air" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hawaii. Mt Kilaved showing Halemanumau crater, lava 1500 ft below rim. July 1936" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hawaii. I flew along this coast April 1944 enroute South West Pacific to Oahu" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hawaii. Flow of aa lava of 1926 Mauna Loa" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hawaii. Tree fern grove in Hawaiian National Park" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Kauai. Hawaiian hut" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Kauai. Hanalei Valley under rice July 1936" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Oahu. Plowing with a 'Chinese buffalo plough', July 1936" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Kauai. Rice fields in Hanalei Valley, rags and cans of stones attached to ropes, and jerked by a japanese farmer hidden in a grass covered stand help to drive away maruding birds" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hanalei Valley".
One large colour photographic print.
"Nuuanu Pali"
One large colour photographic print.
"North side of Oahu from the top of the Pali" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Summit of the Pali"
Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Kaaawa Valley and gthe North side of the Pali" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Keahiakahoe Cliffs"
One large colour photographic print.
"Crater of Haleakala"
One large colour photographic print.
"Kalapana Beach"
One large colour photographic print.
"Some delegates at Atherton House, Univesity of Hawaii: Schwartz, Dorthy Evans, Keir, Dick Wiegall, McCormack, Lola Ellsworth, Mary Collier, AP Elkin (See AA 86), Grovrs, Ranch, Mavie Campbell, Inman, Ataloa, M Ner, Lantripp" Hawaii, Seminar-Conference on Education in the Pacific, June-Aug 1936.
One b/w group photographic print.
"Some delegates:Wiegall, Elkin (see AA 86), Tindale, Ruther Ford, Schwartz, Mrs Maude, Mary Collier" Hawaii, Seminar-Conference on Education in the Pacific, June-Aug 1936.
One b/w group photographic print.
"Fishpond at home of Mrs Johnson, full Hawaiian, 19 July 1936" Hawaii, Seminar-Conference on Education in the Pacific, June-Aug 1936.
One b/w group photographic print.
"Lilly pond" Hawaii, Seminar-Conference on Education in the Pacific, June-Aug 1936.
One b/w group photographic print.
Delegates in residence at Atherton House. "Sunday tea on Lanai" Hawaii, Seminar-Conference on Education in the Pacific, June-Aug 1936.
One b/w group photographic print.
"Rutherford of New Zealsnd nearest to camera" Hawaii, Seminar-Conference on Native Education, 1936. Delegates in residence at Atherton House.
One b/w group photographic print.
"Leis at Aloha Tower, Honolulu, Mr and Mrs Maude of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands" Hawaii, Seminar-Conference on Native Education, 1936. Delegates in residence at Atherton House.
One b/w group photographic print.
"Lion Head from Waikiki. NB Tindale Aug 1936" Hawaii, Seminar-Conference on Native Education, 1936. Delegates in residence at Atherton House.
One b/w group photographic print.
"Manoa Valley, looking 'Makiki' from Mt Tantalusroad, 9 July 1936 Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Picnic on Mt Tantalusroad, 12 July 1936. Dr FE Williams, the great Papuan anthropologist, Mr Beaglehole sen, Mr and Mrs Beaglehole jun, Mrs Metreaux Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Pearl Harbour from Mt Tantalus Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Waikiki from the West" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Moana Hotel, Waikiki" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Honolulu with Waikiki in foreground from above
Diamond Head Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Night blooming Cereus" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"The Capitol, formerly The Royal Palace, Honululu. 4A-H782" Hawaii, Oahu.
One colour photographic print.
"Night blooming Cereus in grounds of Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Diamond Head Waikiki by moonlight" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Moonlight at Waikiki, silhouette of NB Tindale. July 1936" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Scene at Waikiki" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Surf at Waikiki" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Waikiki Beach Honolulu. Lion Head in background" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"H-137. Surf riding, Waikiki" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"H-170 Surf riding, Waikiki" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Pagent called "Hawaii, the melting pot" Institute of Pacific Relations (Internationa House) Honolulu. 10 July 1936" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Yari moohi dance by Meiko Umeda, a Japanese folk dance" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Chinese and Japanese girls" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hawaiian boy" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Mt Olympus from, Maunalua Bay S coast of Ohau, fishpond in foreground" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Bay at Makapuu Point E end of Oahu" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Waimanalo Beach" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Waimanalo Beach, looking S towards Makapuu" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Samoan type houses on Waialae Golf course" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Haleiwa Beach on Kaiaka Bay, Western Oahu. 18 July 1936" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Cultivated pineapples, Waialva, Oahu" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hospital on Waialva Pinapple plantation. 25 July 1936" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Japanese Shinto Temple, Leleo Lane, Honolulu. 21 July 36" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Interior of Shinto Temple, Leleo Lane, Honolulu" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Shuingoin Buddist Temple. Intrerior" Hawaii, Honolulu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Interior of altar in Shuingoin Buddist Temple, Honolulu. 21 July 36" Hawaii, Honolulu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Buddist priest (Japanese), Leleo Lane. 21 July 36" Hawaii, Honolulu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Shrine of Jodo. Buddist Temple, Makiki St, Honolulu. 21 July 36" Hawaii, Honolulu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Scene at a Japanese 'Kangura' in Honolulu" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Ceiling of porch of a Jodo Temple makiki St, Honolulu. 21 July 1936" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Morman Temple, Laie, Oahu. 18 July 1936" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hula girl, Honolulu" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hula girl, Hawaiian Islands" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hula dancers, Hawaii" Hawaii.
One b/w photographic print.
"Garden of Bernice Pauahir, Bishop Museum, Honolulu" Hawaii, Museums.
One b/w photographic print.
"Chinese Courtyard in Honolulu Academy of Arts" Hawaii, Museums.
One b/w photographic print.
"Honolulu, 8 March 1937. 4.CPR Empress of Japan" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Koko Head and volcano" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Docks, Honolulu" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Aloha Tower, Honolulu" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"Farewell to honolulu, going East. NBT indicated" Hawaii, Oahu.
One b/w photographic print.
"NB Tindale" Hawaii. Farewell to Hawaii 1936.
One b/w photographic print.
'Hugs and kisses' Hawaii. Farewell to Hawaii 1936.
One b/w photographic print.
"Unidentified group onboard" Hawaii. Farewell to Hawaii 1936.
One b/w photographic print.
"NB Tindale", wearing lai at ships rail" Hawaii. Farewell to Hawaii 1936.
One b/w photographic print.
"Tutuila. Entrance to Pago Pago Harbour" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Radio Towers in Pago Pago" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"The SS Mariposa in Pago Pago Harbour, Mar 1937" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Morning sun at entrance to Pago Pago" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Pago Pago coast line looking E at entrance to harbour" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Afternoon rainstorm in Pago Pago Harbour, 1 July 1936. NB Tindale" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Rainmaker hill. Sunset over the Western wall of the crater harbour of Pago Pago" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Hill behind Pagp Pago Harbour, NB Tindale, 1 July 1936" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Inner harbour Pago Pago" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Shore E of Pago Pago, 13 March 1937" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Native market, Pago Pago" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Village fair for tourists Pago Pago" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Village scene Pago Pago" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Samoan house outside Pagp Pago" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
''Modern' improved Samoan house" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Marriage party in chiefs dwelling" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Kava drinking ceremony. Girls preparing kava. Talking chief of host. 13 March 1937. Talking chief for NBT (Visitor) also translator" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Chiefs attending Kava drinking Tutuila" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Girls dancing at Kava drinking ceremony, 13 March 1937. NB Tindale" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
"Girls clapping hands during postgure dance at Kava drinking ceremony" Samoa. Tutuila.
One b/w photographic print.
Three girls "Peparing kava" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
Samoan woman "Dancing girl" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
Two girls "Serving kava" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Samoan children' Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Samoan family on verandah' Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Young Samoan dancing girls' Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
Five women 'Samoa dancing girls' Samoa. .
One b/w photographic print.
"Manua Chief's house, Pago Pago" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Manua Chief's house and Saoman boy, 1 July 1936. NBT" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Pillars and roof of Manua Chief's house, Pago Pago" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Looking out of Manua Chief's house, Pago Pago" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Roof beams and mats in a house Tutuila" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Canoe in Pagp Pago Harbour, NB Tindale, 1 July 1936, p43" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Pago Pago Canoe scene" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Girl paddlers in Pago Pago" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Canoe lying on the shore, Pago Pago" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"House at Pago Pago. Family in canoe" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Swimming ladies and children in canoe" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
"Childen at play near Pago Pago" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Three Samoan ladies" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Samoan lady" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Samoan man in traditional dress' Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Samoan man in traditional dress' Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Three Samoan girls' "Tutuila belles" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Young Samoan woman' Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Two girls' "Pago Pago" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Mann harvesting' "Taro at Tutuila" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
'Woman and child'. "Matinuu and daughter of the Malietoa chiefly family, Western Samoa. Photo taken at Laie, Hawaii July 1936. NB Tindale" Samoa.
One b/w photographic print.
Samoa. B&W photograph "RL Stevenson's grave Samoa"
"Mbenga I Fiji. "The firewalkers island" 30 June 1936. NB Tindale, journal P27." Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Sailing canoe off Viti Levu" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Sailing canoes in Suva Harbour" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Suva Harbour, 30 June 1936" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Swining into Suva" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Early morning arrival in Suva" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"The mountains of Viti Levu from the Mnariposa, suva Harbour, 30 June 1936" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Suva Harbour from The Reservoir, 30 June 1936. NB Tindale" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Four Women "Main St scene Suva with Fijian girls" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"The Grand Pacific Hotel, Suva" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"The foreshore, Suva Harbour" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Vegitation in suburban Suva" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Chief's House, Tamavua village near Suva" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Mat partition in Chief's house" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Present day method of building house Tamavua village, 30 June 1936. NB Tindale" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Children in front of house' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Dancing group' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Seated group of men' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Boys climbing coconut tree' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'2 boys drinking from coconuts' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Man carrying coconuts' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Beach scene' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Man and sailing canoe' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Large group of people on and near sailing canoe' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Beached sailing canoe ' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Four women "Net fishing" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Villagers net fishing Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Spearing fish in the surf" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Man and woman on "Fiji Canoe" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Beach scene "Evening shades, Fiji" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Coconut trees "Coastal scene, Gau, Fiji" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'A tiny islet Fiji.' "Single outrigger canoe" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
'Fijian Bamboo raft.' "Bamboo raft" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Native bridge, Fiji" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Koro Wai-Wai Namosi, Fiji" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Namosi in the Clouds, Fiji" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Two man "Fijian warriors" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Seated woman "Fijian belle" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Six seated women dancers "Fijian Meke. 28193" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Two men "Beating the Lali, Fiji" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Group of seated men with uniformed guard "Plaited coconut sinnet - a characteristic product of Fijian prisons today." 'Making Magi Magi, Fiji' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Six children "Fijian children. 29741" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Group of women "Fijian fisherwomen" Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Two Fijian women Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Two Fijian women Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Four Fijian women Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
Fijian child wearing a 'banana leaf raincoat' Fiji.
One b/w photographic print.
"Auckland harbour from volcanic island of Rangitoto. DM Tindale in foreground, 23 March 1937" New Zealand. Auckland.
One b/w photographic print.
"Auckland from top of Mt Eden, 27 June 1936. Maunga Keike in distance" New Zealand. Auckland.
One b/w photographic print.
"Maunga Keike, a volcnic cone and an old Maori pah, 27 June 1936. Journ p25 NB Tindale" New Zealand. Auckland.
One b/w photographic print.
"War Memorial Museum, Auckland) 1214" New Zealand. Auckland.
One b/w photographic print.
"View of harbour rom portico of Museum, Auckland" New Zealand. Auckland.
One b/w photographic print.
"Mt Tongariro National Park NZ. 1438" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
"Mounts Ngauruhoe and Tongariro, NZ" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Maori man with axe "Maori Sentry, R12" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
"Maori Dancers, NZ M28" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Tattoed man "Maori chief, M45" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Tattoed man "Maori chief, M69" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Maori women "Maori pai dancers, NZ. M14" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Maori women "Maori flax plaiting, NZ" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Maori men "Maori haka, NZ. M1" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Maori women "Sacred store house, NZ. M11" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Maori men "Tahungo's blessing, NZ. M2" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Maori woman (2 Copies) Maori flax plaiting. M10" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Maori women "Maori beauties, NZ. M5" New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Women and children under traditional gate New Zealand.
One b/w photographic print.
Three Maori women "Maori trio, NZ. M15"
One b/w photographic print.
"Maori girl, NZ. M60"
One b/w photographic print.
Eight Maori women "Canoe Poi dance, NZ. M33"
One b/w photographic print.
Maori people "Maori native dance, NZ. M36"
One b/w photographic print.
Maori woman "Maori study. M61"
One b/w photographic print.
"Daughter of chief Jacob of New Georgia. Mother Polynesian x wh, Father reported white. Le F, Polynesian x wh. + 1/4 Polynesian white. Aged c. 14 years" Solomon Islands, New Georgia. March 1944.
One b/w photographic print.
"Full blood Melanesian child, New Georgia" Solomon Islands, New Georgia. March 1944.
One b/w photographic print.
"Choiseul Island, Batua Point, Moli Point, Voza, Voza Village from Zinoa Islands, W coast of Choiseul, 23 March 1944. NB Tindale" Solomon Islands, New Georgia.
One b/w photographic print.
"Ruruvai Bay with war canoe in foreground and PBY in distance" Solomon Islands, New Georgia.
One b/w photographic print.
"Woman in canoe" Solomon Islands, New Georgia.
One b/w photographic print.
"Carved pole being shipped to USA Solomon Islands, New Georgia.
One b/w photographic print.