Red, yellow, black, white and lead pencil drawing of objects, including shields, spears and shells and a kangaroo by Cocky Brine.
Labels by NB Tindale include: 'ka:li', 'juloko club', 'karbina shield', 'irakulu short spear', 'puljidjara club for fighting personal combat of 2 men', 'walakari short spear with barbs', 'walba:ra spearthrower', 'wangguara shield', 'tjururu plaing kangaroo', 'jada shield', 'ngabaling spearthrower', 'jada shield', 'ma:di metal tomahawk', 'tarda wooden dish', 'tjinalu', 'little pirapira pearl shell', 'tjarako frog', 'tjining', 'redji', 'pirapira shell', 'ka:li' and 'malja malja feathers of eagle hawk wala:tu'.
Previously numbered 38.
Tindale Tribes: Njangamarda.