Hand drawn map showing tribal boundaries by Paddy Leopold. Names of tribes and locations are in red and black crayon and annotations are in black pen by NB Tindale.
The following groups and locations are represented:
'Ilimbiri', 'Oscar Range limestone', 'Mawunban', 'Brooking', 'Broker Gorge', 'Ggundja', 'Prooking Springs Stn.', 'Danggo', 'Geikie Gorge', 'Lalmatua', 'Margaret River', 'Stoney Creek', 'Guri Guri', 'Imangulira', 'Sandy Creek', 'Wairunga:ra', 'Fitzroy River', 'Tjildjirunga:', 'Miliwindi Hill', 'Jurungu', 'Pittard Bluff', 'Lady Forrest Range', 'Mt Ord', 'Wandende elaruwani', 'Tanga:li', 'Leopold Range', 'Mt Broome', 'Wunamo'.
Previously numbered 112.
Tindale Tribes: Punaba; Ongkomi; Njikena; Konejandi; Kitja; Ngarinjin.