'Jacky Bellrock drawing at No 25 Bore, W. Musgrave Ra, SA N.B Tindale recorder'

Archive Collections / Board for Anthropological Research / Series AA346/26 / 'Jacky Bellrock drawing at No 25 Bore, W. Musgrave Ra, SA N.B Tindale recorder'

Red, black and yellow drawing by Jacky Bellrock.

Labels by NB Tindale include: 'Punurnga, stick insect who was a man, killed the people of Kamburarupa only two people lived. Represented by the two concent. Circles. It was punurnga who instituted class terms' wanigi repr. Big hill at kamburarupa', 'kandi', 'sandstone hills', 'story of Tjibunudus father', 'apu', 'kapi'.

CreatorBoard for Anthropological Research
ControlAA 346/26/35
Date Range10 February, 1966  -  10 February, 1966
Quantity 0.1cm,   1   crayon drawing 36x53.5 cm
Series AA346/26