Individuals, subject matter and locations noted include:
- news clipping undated uncited map of the Royal Route to St Paul's
- green admission ticket to The Royal Silver Jubilee Thursday 9 May 1935. With location map on reverse
- news clipping London Daily Telegraph dated 16 January 1935 Headline "Sir A Keith's defence of Darwinism. Every discovery confirms it. Man a million years ago. Divergence from the ape" Downe, Sir Ambrose Fleming, Sir Arthur Keith, Buckston Browne Research Farm, photograph of Sir A Keith, Charles Darwin, Mount Carmel, Palestine. Headline "Conrast of faculties" Sir Isaac Newton. Headline No restoration of life". Reverse Headline "League & Saar future. Quick return to Germany. Council meeting today" Geneva, Baron Aloisi. Headline "News sent in Sweden" League of Nations, Plebiscite Commission, Saarbruecken. Headline "French policy. To insist on Saar being demilitarised" Mr Laval, Versailles Treaty. Headline "First Saar deputies German front leaders for Reichstag" Berlin, Dr Crick, Jakob Pirro, Hermann Roechling, Herr Nietmann, Peter Kiefer, General Goering. Headline "Geneva Talks" Mr Anthony Eden, M Laval, Baron Aloisi, Saar. Headline "National revenue. Increase last week"
Creator: Dr William Delano Walker
Control: AA 357/11/1/3 A-C
Formats: Newspaper Clippings