Individuals, subject matter and locations noted include:
- news clippings The Bulletin Glasgow dated 6 April 1934 Headline "Camera artists exhibition. Scottish National photographic Salon at Paisley. Views of wide interest" Paisley Art Gallery. Headline "Landscapes" Headline "Out door studies" J Craig Annan, "The Citadel Cairo", "In the market Tangier", James Lohoar, D Dunlop, "St Monan's Kirk", James Smith, GLA Blair, Thomas Carlile, George Murray, '"The sea Gleaner", Miss M Stephenson, EC Shaw, "The cooling draught", Edward Haig, "Rover", Helene Sander, "Prof. AM Curtis", Cyril Shinn, "Gipsy maid", Helen Camp Gell, "Modern pattern", JN Unwalla, Norman R Carrett. Headline "Technical skill" Curt V Coll, "Das Fenster", HE Bush, CJ Symes, Arthur Hammond, Alfons Weber, Dr WD Walker, "The life history of the Kangaroo", HE Illingworth
- news clippings The London Daily Express dated 10 May 1934 Headline "Most fragile boy in Britain" Ernest Gardner, Buckingham
- news clippings The Queenslander dated 19 April 1934 Headline "Dr Alan Vickers" Port Hedland
- news clippings The Adelaide Chronicle dated 19 April 1934 Dr AR Vickers, Manila, Hong Kong, Port Hedland, Carnarvon, Kimberley. Reverse Cpl RG Pittendrigh, Rev. A Gillison
- news clippings The Queenslander dated 19 April 1934 Headline "Dr Alan Vickers" Port Hedland, Broome
- news clippings The London Daily Express dated 28 May 1934 Headline "John breaks a record and his limbs 31 times" Features a photograph of John Norton, Ernest Gardner, Buckingham, Tottenham. Headline "Normal at birth"
Creator: Dr William Delano Walker
Control: AA 357/11/7/11 A-F
Formats: Newspaper Clippings