honey ants,. Annotated "honey ants. This species of ant is found in the McDonnell Ranges CA part of its activities consists in gathering honey for the 'queen ants' depicted in this photo. The abdomen of these 'queen ants' becomes a bladder of honey,. This bladder is bitten off from the body of the ant and regarded as a great delicacy by the [Australian] Aboriginal"
honey ants,. Annotated "honey, ants. This species of ant is found in the McDonnell Ranges CA part of its activities consists in gathering honey for the 'queen ants' depicted in this photo. The abdomen of these 'queen ants' becomes a bladder of honey,. This bladder is bitten off from the body of the ant and regarded as a great delicacy by the [Australian] Aboriginal"
cockatoos. Annotated "thousands of white (sulphur crested] cockatoos on Lake Letty 440 miles nth of Adelaide near Maree"