man swimming in waterhole. Annotated "60. Paddy's rockhole near Arltunga gold, fields 80 miles North East of Alice springs. This rockhole holds several thousand gallons and is in the McDonnell Ranges. Jan 1928"
two Australian Aboriginal men panning for gold,. Annotated "61. Panning for gold,. Paddy's rockhole 3 miles from Arltunga see photograph 60. Arltunga was 30 years ago a prosperous gold, mining centre. Now all that remain are the abandoned cynaide plant and the ruins of the miners huts and the old hotel"
slush lamp. Annotated "65. Singleton Station (photograph 64) 'slush' lamp a wick made of sugar bag supported by a stick imbedded in jam tin of tallow. Their only method of illumination. Dec 1927"
landscape showing road through long grass. Annotated "66. Track thro' high grass. This is main road to Port ntDarwin for 1500 miles runs almost continually parallel with Overland Telegraph line. Dec 1927"