landscape showing hopping kangaroo, and car,. Annotated "1."
kangaroo pouch exposed to show joey on teat. Annotated "7. Showing female kangaroo's pouch with 4 teats and a small 'joey' 1 inch long attached to 1 of them"
kangaroo pouch exposed to show joey on teat. Annotated "8. Young kangaroo, attached to the teat within the pouch. They are not born there but 'grow' there after they are born. Being so premature the inside of the mouth is raw and so adheres to the teat in a few days will bleed if pulled off the teat. They are born naturally with forepaws and claws well developed which they use to climb up the fur from cloaca to pouch" See also 2 unmarked slides
two men with dead kangaroo, showing joey in pouch. Annotated "11."
dead kangaroo, with joey outside pouch. Annotated "12."