car, under tree, WD Walker getting wood. Annotated "28. Our camp at Mocatoona. Mocatoona was at one time quite a busy spot being an old copper workings. Notice in the photo the days supply of wood, also Bill Young (boundary rider) who gave us valuable hints on bush cookery. He is busy making a 'damper' bread from flour, water and baking powder"
Mollie, on road. Annotated "28. Pathway thro the Gorge which is the only entrance to Wilpena Pound Flinders Ranges. The Gorge is 2 miles long and varies in width from a few yards to 1/4 mile and is very beautiful"
Mollie, on road. Annotated "29. The pathway between gums and pines along the Gorge which is the only entrance to Wilpena Pound Flinders Ranges S Aus
Mollie, on road. Annotated "30. A view in the Wilpena gorge. Giant gums and pines line the pathway thru this gorge which is 2 miles long varying in width from a few yards to a 1/4 mile and watered by a permanent spring of running water"