Sept 18th 1931 British Journal of Photography, Vol LXXVIII No. 3724 Annotated RPS Medal and portions cut out in several places
The Cape of Good Hope International Salon of Photography, Cape Town 13-25 Jan 1936. Awarded Silver Plaque for "Life History of Kangaroo." Unannotated. kangaroo,
9-31 Jan 1935 Royal Photographic Society series of exhibitions, Exploration & Travel Walker entry "Across Australia and other Journeys." WD Walker
12 Sept - 10 Oct 1931 Royal Photographic Society Illustrated Catalogue 76th annual exhibition Walker entries annotated in blue and red WD Walker
10 Sept - 8 Oct 1932 Royal Photographic Society Illustrated Catalogue 77th annual exhibition Walker entries annotated in red WD Walker
9 Sept - 7 Oct 1932 Royal Photographic Society Illustrated Catalogue 78th annual exhibition Walker entries annotated in red WD Walker
Jan 1930 The Photographic Journal, Vol LXX New Series Vol LIV Annotated in red and pencil. Includes index to Jan - Dec 1930
Sep 1931 The Photographic Journal, Vol LXXI New Series Vol LV Incorporates "Experiences in the Australian Interior"
Jan 1932The Photographic Journal, Vol LXXII New Series Vol LVI Page relating to admission as fellow missing
May 1932 The Photographic Journal, Vol LXXII New Series Vol LIV Annotated in red
Autumn 1929 The Photographic Press Review, No 4. Unannotated
29 April - 5 May 1935 Third Annual Princeton Photographic Salon (Special exhibit by invitation "The Life History of the Kangaroo". Annotated in pencil. kangaroo,
1931-1932 The Year's Photography, pictorial natural history record Incorporates some of Walker's photos and an index to author's names. Annotated in blue and red. (News Clippings "Sunday Times 13-9-31 London Salon of Photography Invention in Design" removed to AA357/11/1/1A)
1932-1933The Year's Photography, pictorial natural history record Does not include Walker photos. Unannotated
1933-1934 The Year's Photography, pictorial natural history record Includes photo's by Walker and an index to author's names. Annotated in blue and red
Catalogue of the 1934 Canadian National Arts Exhibition, unannotated notes Walker's photographic entries. Cover Marked "WD Walker p154." WD Walker